Music video:
Conventions of music video, across the genres:
- Tend to fall into one or more of Goodwin's music video categories: Narrative/concept/performance.
- Editing is usually cut to the beat.
- Variety of shot types such as: close ups, establishing shots, high/low angles, panning shots, tracking shots.
- Main focus is usually on lead singer of band or solo artist.
- Mise-en-scene tends to link to style and genre of the band/artist.
- Diegetic introductions/endings or throughout the rest of the video.
- Lack of titles or other anchorage in text format - eg.artists and song titles are usually added by music channels.
Evaluation question 1 from emma graveling on Vimeo.
PODCAST: Genre specific conventions
Untitled from emma graveling on Vimeo.
Common conventions of Digipaks:
- Artist/band name and album title on front panel and spine
- Image of artist/band or computer generated imagery
- Disc in tray or slotted in the sides
- Recurring theme and/or imagery throughout all the panels
- Track listing on the back panel
- 'Special Edition' sticker
- Barcode on back panel
This matches the common conventions of digipaks such as:
- Computer generated imagery - due to the cartoon style of Gorillaz we stuck with that theme, instead of using photography of our central protagonist as he isn't embodying a lead singer for the band.
- We have the band name and album title on the front panel and the spine, we also have it in the middle to tie the theme throughout the panels.
- As well as that we have tied the imagery of the bricks throughout and also the imagery of the speakers and the black graffitti style text.
- We have included a track list on the back panel.
- We have chosen to slot discs in the side because there are 2 discs, one CD and one DVD.
- We have used a 'special edition' sticker
- We have put on a barcode
Magazine Advert:
Common conventions of magazine adverts can be seen on my blog post researching the conventions of existing magazine album adverts:
What we found, in short, was:
General Codes and Conventions of Magazine Album Adverts -
- include Band / Artist name
- include album title
- give a release date
- inform of available formats
- include a web address
- advertise songs it includes
- advertise where to buy album
- match imagery to album cover or use photographs of album cover on advert
This matches the common conventions of magazine album adverts such as:
- We have included the Band name and album title.
- We have given a release date 'JULY 2011' (festival season).
- We have given information on which formats it would be available in, we included vinyl as this has risen in popularity.
- It advertises the song '19/2000 Soulchild remix' as we believe this is the most well known song, and is the track we chose to create a music video and therefore should be effective in advertising the album.
- We included a link to iTunes, a place to download the album.
- We have challenged the common convention of matching advert imagery to album artwork, instead we have used a small image of the album on the bottom right hand corner of the advert and a different image on the main section of the advert.
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